Pitman以後 19世紀

発表  創  案  者 図書館
1837 Isaac Pitman ピットマン式 Stenographic Sound-Hand NY
1837 R.Feeny Feeny's universal system of short-hand NY
1837 John Galloway New System of Stenography NY
1837 E. Ventris Stenographic Standards
1837(?) W. and J. Short System of Shorthand
1837 Anon Hints on Shorthand
1838  Thomas Campbell Foster  Plain Instructions  NY 
1838 Franco Frank Short Hints on Shorthand NY
1838 S. W. Leonard Short-hand for the People NY
1838 Newton, C.P. NY
1838 A.G.Tyson The Student's Friend: new system of shorthand in a natural alphabet … NY
1838 Williams, Charles An improved system of shorthand NY
1838(?) Eneas Mackenzie Shorthand Made Easy
1838 A. G. Tyson The Student’s Friend
1839 L. B. Hanaford Short and Concise System
1839 J. Gow Art of Stenography
1839 V. D. DeStains Phonegraphy
1839 Anon. British Shorthand
1839 Richard Waddington Improved System
1840 William Carpenter Handbook of Stenography NY
1840  George Edward Briscoe Eyre  A new & complete system of stenography, or shorthand  NY 
1840 J. Fancutt Stenography Remodelled NY
1840 Mackenzie, Eneas Short-hand made easy NY
1840 Isaac Pitman Phonography NY
1840 Templeton, P.B. Six lessons on shorthand NY
1840 J. Clarke British Brachygraphy
1840  James Glover  Expeditious and legible reporter; an easy system of shorthand   
1840 James Glover Geometric Shorthand
1840 Granville New System of Shorthand
1840 Robert Dawson Taylor’s Universal System
1840(?) Delaine Improved System of Shorthand
1840(?) G. Mudie New Method of Writing Shorthand
1840 P. B. Templeton Six Lessons on Shorthand
1840 Anon. Improved System of Stenography
1840(?) Anon. Minute Hand
1840 “Notarius” System of Shorthand
1840(?) Anon. New System of Phonography
1841 J. H. Buck The stenographic standard NY
1841  Towndrow     
1841 James Hargreaves Expeditious Writer NY
1842 Samuel A. Good Etymography
1842 John Shoveller Manual of Shorthand
1842 Anon. Penny System of Stenography
1842 De Stains V.D. Phonography NY
1842  Saxton, Charles  A new system of stenography for the use of schools and colleges  NY 
1842  Simeon S. Woodhouse  A practical system of short-hand writing  NY 
1843  George B. Bradley  A Concise and Practical System of Stenography  NY 
1843 Hardinge, Stewart A manual of Hardinge's phonography NY
1843 An Amateur Chess Shorthand
1843 Anon. Gurney’s System Simplified
1844 Andrews, S. pearl The phonographic class-book NY
1844 C. Brumby A new system of stenography NY
1845 George Artis NY
1845  Tabular     
1845 Jones Jones's stenography NY
1845 Henry William An improved system of stenography NY
1845 Henry Blundell Shorthand Simplified
1845 W. Shilleto Tabular Shorthand
1846 I. T. Feaston System of Stenography
1846 Sproat, A. D. System of breviscription
1846 Harmon, E. Phonagraphic stenography NY
1846 O'connor, Michael thomas Stenography NY
1847 Blundel,Henry Short-hand simplified NY
1847  Funcut, J.  Idiography: a system … based on grammar  NY 
1847 J.Davidson Best New System of Short-Hand NY
1847 Kentish, John A manual of shorthand NY
1847  Selwyn, William  Phonography: a new system of shorthand [Robert Wailes]  NY 
1847 Joseph Snaith Elements of Universal Language
1848 W. Plumb Alphabet of Language
1848 Bailey, Keyes A. A practical exposition of phonography NY
1849 Hart, James P. A new system of short-hand NY
1849 Clement R. Needham Diamond Shorthand
184- F. Macloughlin System of Shorthand
1850 Fauvel-Gouraud, François Practical cosmophonography NY
1850 Elias Longley Lesson in phonography NY
1850(?) J. Jordan Coulter Coulter’s Shorthand
1852 Bailey, Phineas A pronouncing stenography .. A complete system of short hand writing
1852 Everett, Joseph David Shorthand NY
1852  Alexander Melville Bell Steno-phonography   
1852 William Oliver Gurney’s adapted
1852  Lawing Warren Tear    1834 
1852 Hart, W.H. & J. Monteath Stenography NY
1852 Webster, Epinetus The phonographic teacher NY
1853  Needham, Clement R.  Logotypy, logography, and stenography  NY 
1854 Graham, Andrew Jackson A compendium of phonography NY
1854 Benn Pitman The reporter's manual and vocabulary NY
1855 David Hammond The practical stenographer NY
1855 Price, John Three system of short hand NY
1855  “A Newspaper Editor”  Catechism of Shorthand   
1855 Scovil, William Elias Scovil's stenography and phonography NY
1856 John Huxham New System of Shorthand
1856 Gassion, Alfred Raphael Phonical Stenography
1856 George Cameron Shorthand Writer’s Pocket Guide
1856 John McCombe
1856 D. S. Brown Abbreviations
1856 Ebenezer Soper Practical Stenographer
1856  Alfred Raphael Gassion Phonical Stenography   
1856 William Lyle Shorthand Handbook NY
1856 Soper, Ebenezer The practical stengrapher NY
1856  Joseph     
1857 Morris Coleman Stenography NY
1857  1857Bell   
1857  Graham, Andrew J.  Brief longhand: a system of longhand contractions   
1857 Henry Dircks Lineal Shorthand (in Dircks’ biography of Edward Somerset, Marquis of Worcester, 1663 (?))
1858 Cooper, Thompson Parliamentary Short-Hand NY
1858  Graham, Andrew J.  Handbook of standard or American phonography   
1858  Forsyth, G.  Stenography phonographized: or phonetic shorthand   
1858 Fowler, Frank Gridley Dual shorthand NY
1858  Rutlidge, George  Stenography   
1858  Mitchell, Rev. Thomas  A new system of kyriological phonography  NY 
1859 Crary Crary's stenographic chart NY
1859  Freeman, John  Concise, Simple and Easy System of Shorthand  NY 
1860 Geiger, Alfred Stenography NY
1860 Thomas Wright Hill Selections from the Papers of the Late
1862 Edward James Jones A handbook of phonography NY
1862  F. Foster  Manual of Edeography    
1863 John Thompson Shorthand Swift as Speech
1863   Abbreviated longhand NY
1864 John Rodham Carr The vowel system of short-hand NY
1864 William Hall Expeditious writing NY
1864 T. D’Edmence Universal Stenography
1864 Joseph Beale Neography: a new system of shorthand
1864 Lindsley, David Philip The compendium of tachygraphy NY
1864 Gustav Michaelis A new system of English stenography NY
1864 William Pettigrew The guide to verbatim reporting NY
1865 G. Berger Universal System of Shorthand
1866 Scovil, William Elias Practical stenography: or shorthand
1867 Allen, J. Madison NY
1867 Marsh, Andrew Jackson Manual of reformed phonetic shorthand NY
1867  G. Pearson Renshaw  New and Compendious Substitute for Common Writing   
1867  Munson, James Eugene  The complete phonographer   
1867 Matrsh, Andre NY
1867 MattieuWilliams Short-hand for everybody NY
1868 K. P. Ter Reehorst Stenography & Phonography
1868 J. K. Gardner Gardner's system of shorthand …
1868 Marsh, Andrew Jackson Manual of reformed phonetic shorthand
1868  Alexander Herbert Thompson  Stenography  NY 
1869  Beale, Joseph  Pantagraphy: a perfect system of phonetic shorthand  OX 
1869 Lindsley, David Philip Elements of tachygraphy
1869 John H. L. Christien Every Boy’s School Book of Shorthand
1869 Henry Newman Aids to Shorthand Writing
1869  Alexander Melville Bell Universal Line-writing Steno-phonography on the basis of "visible speech"     
1869   A lexander Melville Bell Elliptical Steno-phonography    
1869 Murdo Young Readable short-hand, selftausht NY
1870 G. Millard Millard's system of short hand NY
1870 Marr Shorthand Writer’s Pocket Guide
1871  Burns, Eliza  The self-instructor in steno-phonography  NY 
1871 Oliphant, Mahlon The hand-book of linear phonography NY
1871 Passmore, William Passmore's shorthand in a day NY
1871  Joseph Benjamin Rundell  Civil Service Shorthand   
1872 Dwyer, George S. The new phonographic letter writer NY
1872 Redfern, Francis The manual of edeography NY
1873  Geiger, Alfred  Stenography or universal European shorthand   
 1873 Joseph Beale  Pantagraphy   
1873 Waring, W. George A primer of phonography NY
1874 Brown, Clark Jacob NY
1874 Woolbert, Frederick Suggestions for an Abbreviated System
1874  S. Hunter  Hunter's new and complete system phonetic shorthand   
1874 Wallace Ritchie Shorthand simplified NY
1875 Driscol, John Improvements on phonography NY
1875 Passmore, William Shorthand in a Day
1875 Alfred Parsons New and Easy System of Shorthand
1875 Nixon, T.W. A system of rapid writing NY
1875 Summers and Clark Complete manual of short-hand NY
1875 G. H. Wills Commercial shorthand NY
1875 Anon. Scheme of Shortened Handwriting
1876 Adair, James NY
1876  Bruce  A manual of Bruce's radial system of shorthand   
1876 Armstrong, Robert Linear phonography NY
1876  Mitchell     
1876 Goodman, Robert S. Shorthand for the million NY
1876 John Brown Smith The kirografik teacher NY
1877 Pernin, Alfonzo J. The phonographic instructor NY
1877 Pernin, Helen M. The little phonographer NY
1877  1877Jones     
1877  Everett     
1878  Thomas Anderson  Synopsis of a new system of short writing  NY 
1878 Dawson, Noble E. The phonetic instructor NY
1878 Manseau, Joseph Amable Phonography made easy NY
1878 Waring, W. George &
W.S. Schofield
1878 1877Williams, Rev. James Aleography NY
1879  Cross, Jesse George  Cross's eclecrtic shorthand   
1879 Eames, Roscoe Lorenzo Steno-phonography NY
1879  Joseph Hunt  Aristography: a new system of shorthand writing  NY 
1879 Searcy, William Everard Hamilton Searcy's lessons in phonography NY
187-(?) Anon. Code Verbatim Shorthand
1880 Baker, Arthur M. How to learn shorthand NY
1880 O. R. Humphrey Humphrey’s System of Shorthand
1880(?) G. B. Hutchinson Shorthand Music
1880  Cobbin, J.L.  The people's shorthand  NY 
1880 Lathrop, D.D. Brief-hand alphabet NY
1880 James Ashcroft 1880Noble The Dot and Dash Shorthand NY
1880(?) John Russell Leonard Short-hand for Self-Instruction
1880 Rankin, John R. A system of simplified shorthand NY
1881  Elliott, Moncrieff  Moncrieff Elliott's new system of shorthand  NY 
1881 Henry McLagan Phonastenography NY
1881  Biddle, D  Shorthand made easy: or the locomotive system of stenography   
1881 Edward Pocknell Pocknell's legible shorthand NY
1881 Porter, John Thomas Manual of Brachygraphy NY
1881 Moncrieff Elliott New System
1881 Thomas English Stenoboligraphy
1881 James Simson Comend of syllable shorthand NY
1881  Spiro, Charles  Spiro's simple, swift, and sure phonography  NY 
1881 Taliaferro, J. Taliaferro's phonetic shorthand NY
1881  Charles C. Chase   Logigrafi   
1882 Collom, Edward The stenotypy of voice NY
1882  Michaelis, Gustav  A simplified system of English stenography on the principles of W. Stolze 2nd edition Leeds
1882 Hammond, Joseph The people's phonography NY
1882  David Augustus Peachey  Shorthand Shortened  
1882 Pernin, Helen M. Pernin's phonographic instructor: adaptation to English of Duployan French method.
1882 John Matthew Sloan Duployan Shorthand
1882 Sloan, John Matthew Duployan Shorthand
1882 Thornton, G.H. Modern stenographer: a complete system of light-line phonography
1882 Alfred 1882Janes Standard stenography NY
1882 Livingstone, W.B. A new system of shorthand NY
1882  1882Pocknell Edward Common shorthand   
1882 Lock, Francis Lohn The rapid shorthand writer NY
1882 Scott-Browne Daniel L. & A.C.Scott-Browne Scott-Browne's text-book of phonography NY
1882 Thornton, George Howard The modern stenographer NY
1883 Allen, George Universal phonography NY
1883 Edwin Guest The manual of compendios shorthand NY
1883 Kimball, D. Popular shorthand in a nutshell
1883 Heaven, Curtis Heaven's practical phonography NY
1883 Laning, Jay Ford A manual of shorthand NY
1883 John D. Lowes Stenography NY
1883  Mayr, Charles   Universal spelling , shorthand, stenography…  NY 
1883 Richmond, Frederick and W.J.Shaw Richmond & Shaw's vowel system of shorthand NY
1883 Sloan, John Matthew The Duployan phonographic instructor NY
1884 R. E. Miller Lessons in Shorthand
1884 Miles Armitage Sylabric writing NY
1884 Bishop, George Riker Outlines of a modified phonography NY
1884  W. S. North  Popular Edition of Gurney’s Shorthand   
1884 J. Neville Syllabic Shorthand
1884  Close, Franklin N. & G.W. Black   Close and Black's short-hand lesson sheets    NY
1884  Cogswell, Frederick Hull  Cogswell's compendium of phonography   
1884  Gildersleeve, Lowrie I.   Sound-sign harmony in the combined short-hand   
1884 J. B. Thwaites New Business Shorthand
1884 Horner, W.C. W.C.Horner's system of phonetic shorthand NY
1884 John Pickles Reporting Simplified
1884 Osgoodby, William Wesley Phonetic shorthand NY
1884 White, J.S. First reader in White's phonography NY
1885 William R. Baily Facile Short-hand Tutor
1885 John Barter A.B.C. Shorthand
1885 Barnes, Arthur J. Barnes' short-hand lessons NY
1885 John Sawyer Swifthand
1885 Verity, John Showler New system of phonography
1885 Clarke, Edward George Swifthand
1885 W. J. O. Michell Universal System
1885 Francis H. Valpy Audeography
1885  Thomas Stratford Malone Script Phonography  NY 
1885  Digamma      
1885 John E. Coombe Coombe's comprehensive shorthand NY
1885  Sloan-Duploye    
1885  Allan Backhouse Lockett  Lockett's shorthand instructor..  NY 
1885 George Carl Mares The primer of rational shorthand NY
1885 Rogers, Thomas M. & W.M.Carpenter The self-instructor manual of short-hand NY
1885 Wilcox, Julius Crerey's system of stenography NY
1886 Banvard, John Banvard's system of shorthand NY
1886 Barlow, William Henry Normal phonography NY
1886  Marsh, Enoch J.  Outline of practical shorthand on seven simple principles…  NY 
1886 Miller, Adam Laconogrophy NY
1886  Pernin  Universal Phonography  
1887  Percy Edward Kingsford  New Phonography   
1887 Andreas Gottschling Phonography
1887  Browne, Alfred H.  Legible Phonography: a new system of phonetic shorthand   
1887 Bishop George Riker Exact phonography: a system with connectible stroke vowel signs
1887 George Alfred Harris Alethography
1887 Barnes, Lovisa Ellen Bullard NY
1887 William Benson Universal Phonography
1887(?) G. F. Maugham The Electric
1887 Benett, William Universal phonography NY
1887 Brown, Henry H. Alatypes NY
1887 Browne, Alfred Magenis Browne's phonetic shorthand NY
1887 Davies, David Stephen Manual of sonography NY
1887  Dettmann, Frederic Orpheus  Complete text-book of phono-stenography  NY 
1887 Harris, George Alfred The manual Eureka shorthand NY
1887 Neville, James Scietific shorthand NY
1887 Purton, William The Purton system of shorthand NY
1887 Watson, John Watson's phonographic instructor NY
1888 Atherton, George Shorthand in a nutshell NY
1888 “Amateur” Shorthand for Students
1888 Henry Freeman Writing Simplified
1888 Atherton, Mary NY
1888  Frederick Leopold Meares Simplicity   
1888 Capmbell, John S. Phonographic notation NY
1888 M. P. Ellis Text Book of Duployé’s Shorthand NY
1888 John Robert Gregg Light-line Phonography NY
1888 Hull, John S. Phonographolenopsis NY
1888  Francis Mulvey Acme phonography NY 
1888 Palmer, Edwin M. The phonographer's manual NY
1888 Henry Richter G-R Phonography NY
1888 Teale, Oliver Teale's light line phonography NY
1888  Mrs.L.Bronson  Illustrative shorthand   
1888 Wylie, William B. Wylie's simplified shorthand NY
1889 Blake, G. Ridsdale Kraipnography NY
1889  Hugh Longbourne Callendar  A manual of cursive shorthand   
1889 Day, Alfred coplete shorthand manual … NY
1889 Fish, James H. Systematic shorthand NY
1889 White, Harry Orthographic Shorthand
1889 Heather, William Simplie shorthand NY
1889 Lippmann, Charles Rosenfell Graphic shorthand (Gabelsberger) NY
1889  Baker  practical stenography   
1889 W. Heather Simple Shorthand
1889 McKee, Charles Eugene NY
1889 Smart, Ernest, & Company “Ne Plus Ultra” Stenography NY
1889 Smith, Ruel Smith's shorthand numerals NY
1889 Smith, Titus K. Eclipse shorthand NY
1889 Anon. Lineography
1889 Woolfolk, L.B. Syllable shorthand manual NY
1889(?) Harry White Orthographic Shorthand
188? Barter, John The manual of ABC shorthand NY
188? Eatoh, Seymour Figure shorthand learned in a day NY
188? Speedwell, George The writer's time-saver NY
188? Stenography The alphabetical characters NY
188-(?) Anon. Stenography
1890 Edmunds, James The new American stenology NY
1890 Baker, Arthur M. The stenographic instructor: an improved system of short-hand writing
1890  Hall, Aldis Owen  Hall's "multum in parvo" phonography for public schools   NY 
1890 Hemperley, Francis H. Analogical syllabic shorthand
1890  Mares, George Car  National stenography: an entirely new system of shorthand   
1890 Needham, Clement R. Perlskript: or Needham's shorthand, being what 'logography' of 1852 has ripened to
1890 John Box Sigrita
1890 Macgregor, J.T.& others Graphic shorthand NY
1890 Morrell, Charles American phonographer NY
1890 Paddock, Ira J. Graphic stenography NY
1890 Strayer, S. Irving Universal shorthand NY
1891  Lewis Emmanuel Emmett “A.I” Shorthand   
1891 Osgoodby, William Wesley Phonetic shorthand: a manual for … schools and private students (Pitman)
1891 Francis Taylor Musical Shorthand
1891 Beale, Charles Currier & Cora E. Burbank Business shorthand NY
1891  W. W. Wakeford  Shorthand Made Easy by Correspondence   
1891 Bräuninger, Frederick E. Common-sense shorthand NY
1891 Brower, George W. Modern phonography NY
1891  Walter ThurlowBrowne  The simplex shorthand   
1891 Callendar, Hugh Longboune A manual of orthographic cursive shorthand NY
1891 Davis, George W. Short-hand simplified NY
1891 Gilbert, Justin Text-book of Gilbert's phonography NY
1892 John Fielding Vocal Shorthand
1892 Bickley, Edward H. Bickley's manual of short-hand NY
1892 William Hay Shorthand simplified and improoved NY
1892  William H.Woodcock  Practical Shorthand   
1892 Lafferty, John Shorthand primer NY
1892 F. Skinner Skinner’s Rapid Longhand
1892  Alexander Melville Bell   popular shorthand or stenophonography   
1892 Henry Sweet A manual of current shorthand NY
1893 Ake, S. Perry NY
1893 Cross, Jesse George Eclectic shorthand; writing by principles instead of arbitrary signs …
1893  Chandler, Mary Alderson  Chandler's practical shorthand … for use of schools and colleges   
1893  Frederick Fant Abbott  Swiftograph   
1893 Caton, Thomas Jasper Caton's ideal shorthand NY
1893 Strickland, Theron Charles Twentieth century shorthand
1893 Davies, David Simplified Shorthand
1893 Cross, H.W. Manual of fluent phonography NY
1893 Teale, Henry Light line phonography
1893 Muller, I. Max Simplex shorthand
1893 David Davies Simplified Shorthand
1893 Harrell, Joh. W. Guide to phonography NY
1893 Lawson, R.H. Short-hand without a master NY
1893  Leach, William  A new method of learning shorthand writing  NY 
1894 Hameraly, William H. Utilized phonography NY
1894 W. H. Barlow Celestial Writing
1894  Grapho  Graphonography: an original treatise on short-hand   
1894 J. P. Page Graphonography NY
1894  William George Spencer     
1894 Stäger, Leo Andreas Simplified shorthand NY
1894 Towndrow, Grace Eleanore Shorthand for the million NY
1895  Henry Charles Brookes  Figure shorthand  NY 
1895 Brandt, Carl Duployan shorthand adapted to English
1895  Dougherty, George Edwin  Complete manual of the brief system of shorthand   
1895 James Jenkin “One and All” Shorthand
1895 De l'Etoile J. Lightning educator in stenography NY
1895 H. Anderton Speed-o-Graf
1895 Lichtentag, Alexander Paragon shorthand NY
1895 McDevitt, William American fonostegrafy NY
1895 Mellor, William Henry Mellor's shorthand NY
1895  Paterson, Hugh Graham  Paterson's phonography and typewriting manual  NY 
1896  Cora Elisabeth Burbank  Complete Manual of the Shorthand   
1896  Roller  A New and Complete Manual of Roller's System of Tachygraphy   
1898  Edwin M. Palmer Palmer's new manual of shorthand    Pitman系統  
1899  Nicholas Ward New American Stenography
1900   Clark  Tangible Shorthand   


